subject requires some historical background.
the Council of Nicea in 325, Arius – who promoted the view that there was a
time when the Word did not exist, and was the first created thing – was
declared a heretic and was sent into exile.
But in the years that followed, Athanasius – Arius’ most vocal opponent,
who promoted the orthodox view that the Word is uncreated and worthy of worship
– was also sent into exile, and then was restored to his office, and then was
exiled again; this happened repeatedly.
If emperor Constantine ’s purpose for
organizing the Council of Nicea had been to reduce disharmony in the Christian
churches, he did not succeed.
Eventually, just before dying, Constantine
was baptized (or sprinkled) by Eusebius of Nicomedia (not to be confused with
Eusebius of Caesarea) – a bishop who was in the minority that favored Arianism.
The bishops
at the Council of Nicea had established the divinity of Christ and issued the
Nicene Creed – but some other important subjects were not addressed
(particularly, the subject of which books were to be considered authoritative
was not covered, contrary to widespread claims that may be traced to the fictitious Da Vinci Code) and in the decades that
followed the leaders of the Arians managed to stretch the vocabulary of the creed in such a way that it seemed to the emperors that their theology could fit through it.
![]() |
Julian the Apostate (Emperor, 361-363) |
II (co-emperor from 337 to 350, and sole emperor from 350 to 361) favored Arian
theology, and just before he died, he was baptized (or sprinkled) by Euzoius,
the Arian bishop of Caesarea . His successor Julian (reigned 361-363) was
neither orthodox nor Arian; he attempted to revive paganism and for this reason
is known as Julian the Apostate.
In the
middle of this chaotic stage entered Phoebadius of Agen in what is now
southwestern France . He was a bishop from sometime before 357 to
sometime after 392 (when Jerome, in his Lives of Illustrious Men, mentioned that Phoebadius was still living). In the mid-300’s, when the Arian bishops of Caesarea
were busy transferring texts from papyrus onto parchment to remedy the
destructive natural effects of humidity, Phoebadius boldly and busily defended
orthodox theology, participating in councils and writing letters against the
slippery word-games used by his Arian contemporaries.
wrote in Latin, and thus the Scripture-quotations in his sole extant
composition – Against the Arians –
provide a glimpse at the Old Latin text that he used. R. P. C.
Hanson has observed that Phoebadius was well-acquainted with at least some
of the writings of Tertullian, and that Phoebadius “certainly had Hebrews
in his canon.” Phoebadius also quoted from the
book of Tobit. His work was influential
in the theological disputes of the mid-300’s.
the Arians was translated into English by Keith
C. Wessel in 2008 and this English translation can be downloaded for free. Using that resource, let’s take a look at some of Phoebadius’
citations and utilizations of the New Testament in the first 12 chapters of his
composition Against the Arians, remembering
that this was composed in 357 and thus represents a witness as old as Codex
Sinaiticus. I list them in the order in
which they appear.
● John 20:17b
● John 20:17b
● Philippians 2:9
● John 17:3
● Matthew 19:17 or Mark 10:19 or Luke 18:19 – “Why do
you say that I am good? No one is good
except God alone.”
● John 5:44 – “Why do you not seek honor that
comes from the one and only God?”
● Matthew 24:36 – “Concerning that day and hour
no one knows except the Father alone.”
(Notice that Phoebadius’ text does not include the phrase “nor the Son.”)
● John 11:35 – Phoebadius does not quote this
verse but mentions that Jesus wept at the grave of Lazarus.
● Luke 19:41 – Phoebadius does not quote this
verse but mentions that Jesus wept over Jerusalem .
● John 3:6
● Matthew 26:41 or
Mark 14:38 – “The flesh is weak, but the spirit is willing.” (Notice the transposition.)
● First John 3:7 (a
snippet) – “The one who has the substance of the world”
● Luke 19:8 (a
snippet) – “Look, I am giving half of my substance.”
● Colossians 1:27
● First Corinthians
1:24 – “Christ is the power (virtus)
of God”
● Romans 11:34 (snippet)
● First Corinthians 2:16 (snippet)
● First Corinthians 2:11 (snippet, twice) – “from him and with him
and in him”
● John 9:29
● John 16:28 – “I
have come forth from the Father and from the bosom of the Father”
● (20) Matthew 11:27
● John 16:13
● First Corinthians
● Matthew 7:7 or Luke
11:9 (notice the transposition)
● Matthew 11:25
● Matthew 13:11 or Mark 4:11
(Byz) or Luke 8:10
● Ephesians 3:5
● Colossians 1:27 (an allusion)
● John 8:14-15
● John 4:24 (snippet)
● (30) First
Corinthians 15:28 (allusion)
● Revelation 13:11 (adaptation) – “having horns like lambs
but speaking as dragons”
● John 14:28 (snippet)
● John 5:23 (snippet)
● John 1:18 –
Phoebadius specifies that he is citing from John, and quotes, “No one has ever
seen God except the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father.” We see here a defender of Christ’s divinity
using the reading “only begotten Son.”
● John 17:10
● John 5:19
● John 6:38
● John 8:29 (snippet)
● John 14:10
● Second Corinthians 1:20
We thus see that in these 12 chapters, 40 verses are used,
mostly from the Gospels. Let’s continue,
covering the remainder of Phoebadius’ composition.
● Matthew 16:27 –
Phoebadius specifically quotes from Matthew:
“The Son is going to come in the glory of his own Father.”
● Luke 9:26 – Phoebadius specifically quotes
from Luke: “When the Son of Man comes
with his own glory and that of his Father.”
● Colossians 2:9
● John 16:15 (snippet)
● First John 5:11 –
“We proclaim to you eternal life, life that was with the Father, and he adds,
and in the Son.”
● John 14:10
● John 5:19
● John 1:3
● John 10:30
● John 7:28-29 – “You
neither know me or where I am from, nor that I have not come on my own. But the one who sent me is true, the one you
do not know. But I know him because I am
with him, and he has sent me.” (Notice
the rendering of the first part)
● John 8:16b
● John 10:15a
● John 3:35b
● (15) John 5:43a
● Revelation 1:8 or
parallels – “He who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” (Notice the transposition.)
● First John 1:1-2
● John 16:27 (snippet)
● John 10:30
● John 14:9-10
● John 8:29a
● Romans 11:36 (snippet)
● John 5:37 (allusion)
● John 8:19
● John 4:24a
● Second Corinthians
● Matthew 26:41 or Mark
14:38 – “The flesh is weak, but the spirit is willing.” (Notice the transposition, which also
occurred the first time Phoebadius quoted the sentence.)
● First Corinthians 1:18 (snippet)
● First Corinthians
15:3 (snippet)
● (30) John 10:30
● John 14:10
● John 10:30
● John 14:9
● John 4:24a
● First Corinthians
● Romans 11:34
● John 1:3
● Philippians 2:6-7
● Romans 11:33
● Romans 11:36
● John 14:16
● Galatians 1:8
Taking all
28 chapters of Phoebadius’ Against the
Arians into consideration, we see that in this composition he used material
from the New Testament 82 times. He used
a few passages – particularly Matthew 26:41 (or Mark 14:38 ), John 4:24a,
and John 10:30 – more than once. All in all, no less than 70 passages from the
New Testament are utilized in this composition.
If it had never been discovered until today, we would announce a rather
significant discovery, equivalent to the discovery of 70 little manuscript-fragments
as old as Codex Sinaiticus.
Yet Phoebadius
is hardly known, and lately it seems that the entire category of patristic
evidence is being unfairly and unscientifically minimized. No patristic evidence of any kind appears in
the apparatus of the recently published Tyndale House edition of the Greek New
Testament. And in the “textual flow
diagrams” in Tommy Wasserman and Peter Gurry’s A New Approach to Textual Criticism, intended as an introduction to
the Coherence-Based Genealogical Method, I did not see any patristic writers at
apologist James White claimed that “The citations of Scriptural material from
patristic sources are notoriously vague,” but I welcome him to go through the
list presented here and see where, aside from the parallel-passages and the three instances specifically described as allusions, there are
any grounds for not affirming that Phoebadius used the passage that is
listed. He also said, “I do not believe
that patristic citations can overcome the actual manuscript evidence.” But where the patristic citations are clear and
there is no reason to question the contents of the patristic text itself, they should have the same weight as the owners’ manuscripts. What does Dr. White think the patristic
writers were citing?
Even relatively
little-known patristic compositions can provide significant text-critical data. Those who would minimize or dismiss patristic testimony run a high risk of investing a lot of effort in a method that is
doomed to produce inaccurate results, like a recipe in which the cooks have chosen
to omit important ingredients.
In other news: Merry Christmas, everyone!
In other news: Merry Christmas, everyone!