If one were to take in hand the NIV, one might
say, “Hmm; only one footnote in Ephesians mentions a difference in manuscripts; that must be
the only textual variant in this book. Those copyists were phenomenally accurate.”
A reader of the ESV might say, "Hmm; only two footnotes in Ephesians mention a disagreement in the manuscripts; those copyists were extremely accurate.”
Reading the
CSB or NLT, one might conclude, “Hmm; eight footnotes in Ephesians mention a difference in
manuscripts. I guess the manuscripts of
Ephesians are all alike except for that.”
The NKJV’s
text-related footnotes point out three differences between the Textus Receptus
and the Majority (Byzantine) Text, and 12 differences between the Byzantine
Text (including the Textus Receptus) and the primarily Alexandrian Nestle-Aland
compilation. Thus, readers who get their
idea of the contents of Greek New Testament manuscripts from footnotes in major
English translations could understandably conclude that there are only 12
differences in Ephesians between the Nestle-Aland compilation and the Byzantine
Readers who
look into the text in more detail by studying the United Bible Societies’ Greek New Testament could also conclude
that there are only 23 significant variant-units in Ephesians, because only 23
variant-units are in the UBS apparatus. If,
instead, they read the Tyndale House edition of the Greek New Testament,they
might think that there are only 21 significant variant-units in Ephesians
(because only 21 variant-units are covered in Ephesians its apparatus).
Here are
the textual variant-units that the NKJV tells its readers about:
● 1:14 –
Byz reads “who” while NA reads “which.”
● 3:9 – NA
does not include the phrase “through Jesus Christ.”
● 3:14 – NA
does not include the phrase “of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
● 4:6 – At
the end of the verse, NA does not include “us” before “all.” (The Textus
Receptus reads “you all.”)
● 4:9 – NA
does not include “first” before “descended.”
● 4:17 – NA
does not include “the rest of.”
● 5:5 – NA
reads “For know this” instead of “For this you know.”
● 5:9 – NA
reads “fruit of the light.” Byz and the Textus Receptus (supported here by
Papyrus 46) read “fruit of the Spirit.”
● 5:21 – NA
reads “fear of Christ.” Byz reads “fear
of God.”
● 5:30 – NA
does not include “of His flesh, and of His bones.”
● 6:9 – NA reads “He who is both their Master
and yours” instead of “your own Master also.”
● 6:12 – NA
reads “rulers of this darkness” instead of “rulers of the darkness of this
It would
require a deliberate effort on the part of an interpreter to perceive a
significant difference of meaning in some of these twelve cases of different
wording. In other cases, though –
especially 3:9b and 3:14 and 5:9 and 5:30 – I would say that the differences in
wording are likely to yield some differences of exegesis; preachers are not
likely to treat the different readings in those four passages as if they are
saying the same thing.
The NKJV’s
footnotes, however, do not inform readers of the full extent of the significant
differences between the Byzantine Text and the primarily Alexandrian
Nestle-Aland compilation. Not even
close. When one takes in hand the
Robinson-Pierpont Byzantine Textform and consults its text-related footnotes,
it becomes obvious that there are more than 12 passages where the Byzantine
Textform and the Nestle-Aland compilation diverge. The actual number of differences between the
Byzantine text and the Nestle-Aland text in Ephesians is 93.
If we start
with that 93 and consider bracketed readings in the Nestle-Aland compilation to
be merely unstable, but still in the text, and if we set aside the variants in 3:2
and 4:21 which are a matter of different divisions of letters into words (in
both places, Byz = εἴγε, NA = εἴ γε), then 11 differences can be removed from
consideration, thus lowering the number of differences to 82.
If we
further eliminate from consideration transpositions of words which, while
changing the wording, do not materially affect the meaning – such as the
transposition in 1:1 where the Byzantine Text says “Jesus Christ” and the N-A
compilation says “Christ Jesus” – then another nine differences may be set
aside as trivial, yielding now a total of 73.
to filter out trivial variants, if we collect differences which are matter of
orthography (spelling), such as αλλα versus αλλ’ in 4:29 and 5:29 and 6:4, we
can set aside variants in 3:13 (εκκακειν versus εγκακειν), 3:16 (δωη versus
δῷ), 4:2 (πραότητος versus πραΰτητος), 6:6 (οφθαλμοδουλείαν versus
οφθαλμοδουλίαν), and even 6:17 (δέξασθαι versus δέξασθε), reducing the number of
non-trivial disagreements to 65.
Some of
those 65 disagreements are too minor to have an impact on the meaning of the
text, but the following do have such an impact:
● 1:6 – the
small difference here (εν η versus ης) is the difference between “in which He
made us accepted” and “which He lavished upon us.”
● 1:14 –
the difference between ος and ο is the difference between “who is” and “which
is.” (This variant is not stable in the
N-A compilation.)
● 1:16 –
The Byzantine reading υμων makes explicit what is implied in the N-A text.
● 1:18 –
The Byzantine Text has “and” after “calling.”
● 1:20 – The
difference here is the difference between “seated” and “having seated.”
● 2:1 – The
longer Alexandrian reading here ends the verse with “your sins.”
● 2:17 –
The longer Alexandrian reading here consists of a repetition of the word
“peace,” so as to read, “Peace to you [who are] far off and peace to those [who
are] near.”
● 2:19 –
The longer Alexandrian reading consists of a repetition of the word “are,” so
as to read, “you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but are fellow citizens . . . .”
● 3:3 – The
Byzantine reading means “He made known to me,” whereas the Alexandrian reading
means “was made known to me.”
● 3:6 – The
Byzantine text says “His promise.” The
Alexandrian text does not say “His.”
● 3:6 – The
longer Alexandrian reading says “in Christ Jesus” instead of “in Christ.”
● 3:8 – The
Byzantine reading means “among the
nations,” the Alexandrian reading, without εν, means “to the nations.”
● 3:9 – The
Byzantine reading affirms that God created all things through Jesus Christ. The
Alexandrian reading only says that God created all things.
● 3:14 –
The Byzantine text has the phrase “of our Lord Jesus Christ.” The Alexandrian text does not.
● 3:21 –
The longer Alexandrian reading adds “and” between “church” and “Christ Jesus,”
whereas the Byzantine reading, without και, means “in the church by Christ
● 4:6 – The
Byzantine Text means “us all.” The
Alexandrian Text only says “all.”
● 4:8 – The
Byzantine Text has “and” before “He gave gifts to men.”
● 4:9 – The
Byzantine Text says that He descended first.
● 4:17 –
The Byzantine Text says “as the rest of the Gentiles.” The Alexandrian Text only says “as the
● 4:28 –
The longer Alexandrian reading, besides changing the word-order, includes
“own,” so as to say, “producing with his own hands what is good.”
● 4:32 –
The Byzantine Text says “us.” The
Alexandrian Text (and the Textus Receptus)
says “you.”
● 5:5 – The
Byzantine Text says “For this you know.”
The Alexandrian Text says “For know this.” (Byz: εστε.
Alex.: ιστε)
● 5:9 – The
Byzantine Text (henceforth “Byz”) says “fruit of the Spirit.”
The Alexandrian Text says “fruit of the light.”
● 5:17 – Byz says “understanding,” whereas the Alexandrian reading is a
command, “understand.”
● 5:19 –
The longer Alexandrian reading includes εν (“in”) before “psalms.”
● 5:22 – Byz says “submit yourselves.”
The Alexandrian text does not (implying a re-application of the same
verb from the previous verse).
● 5:24 – Byz says “Husbands, love your own wives.”
● 5:28 –
The longer Alexandrian reading includes “also” before “husbands.”
● 5:29 – Byz says “even as the
Lord does for the church.” The
Alexandrian Text says “even as Christ
does for the church.”
● 5:31 – Byz says “his” after “father.”
The Alexandrian text does not.
● 6:9 – The
longer Alexandrian reading says “both their Master and yours.” Byz says “your own Master”
(the “your” is plural).
● 6:10 – Byz includes the words “my brothers.” The Alexandrian text does not.
● 6:12 – Byz refers to “the rulers of the darkness of this age.” The Alexandrian reading refers to “the cosmic
powers of darkness.” (Cf. CSB.)
● 6:16 –
The Alexandrian text begins the verse with εν, so as to say “In all circumstances.” Byz begins the verse with επι,
so as to say, “Above all.”
● 6:24 – Byz closes the book with “Amen.”
Thus, in
terms of differences in the Greek base-text that have an impact on the wording
in English, there are 36 textual disagreements between the Byzantine Text and
the Alexandrian Text that have an impact on English wording. It may be safely concluded that the 15 textual
footnotes in Ephesians in the NKJV (and the eight textual footnotes in the CSB
and NLT, and the two in the ESV, and the one textual footnote in the NIV) do not remotely approach a
full presentation of the significant differences between the Alexandrian and Byzantine
What about the textual apparatus in
the Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece? James White, in 1993 (in the 29th
minute of this audio), claimed the following: “I wish people would take the time, even if
you don’t buy it, to go by a Christian bookstore and pick up the Nestle-Aland
text, the UBS, now fourth edition that just came out. Look at the text, and look at the bottom of
the page. Anyone who has these critical
texts has all the readings of the manuscripts right there in front of them. When I look at a passage, I can tell you
exactly what any of the manuscripts in the various manuscript – all through the
Byzantine tradition, so on and so forth – what they read, due to the
tremendously advanced, very wisely put together textual apparatus at the
bottom. And any reading that is in any
of these traditions is found either in the text or in the footnotes.” (emphasis added)
Sadly, that
is not true. The textual apparatus of
the Nestle-Aland compilation fails to report the Byzantine reading in Ephesians
1:20, 2:3, 2:11, 2:12, 2:13, 2:20, 3:6, 3:7, 3:8 (twice), 3:11, 3:12, 3:16
(twice), 4:2, 4:29, 5:3, 5:4, 5:5, 5:24 (twice), 5:27, 5:29, 6:4, 6:6 (twice),
6:8, 6:9 (twice), 6:17, and 6:18. To
restate: in the Nestle-Aland apparatus,
the reading found in the majority of manuscripts of Ephesians is not reported
in 30 out of 93 places where the two compilations diverge.
White’s comment
should be tempered by his subsequent statement in The
King James Only Controversy, regarding a Byzantine reading at the end
of Acts 22:16 (another reading not reported in the Nestle-Aland
apparatus): “Surely such a reading,
despite it probably being secondary, should at least be noted for the sake of
all those who wish to do textual studies.”

The textual footnotes in major English
translations of the New Testament only provide mere samples of the differences
between the Byzantine/Majority manuscripts and the Alexandrian
manuscripts. Furthermore, even the
Nestle-Aland apparatus badly fails to report Byzantine readings. The only convenient and reliable way to
identify the Byzantine-versus-Alexandrian readings is to consult the footnotes
in the Robinson-Pierpont
Byzantine Textform, also known as The
New Testament in the Original Greek (2005).
Readers are invited to double-check the data in this post.
While we are at mentioning instabilities in the Alexandrian text, we should note that χριστου is unstable in the Byzantine text at 5:21.
θεου is actually a minority reading.
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