304 is considered to be a very minor manuscript, in terms of its significance for textual criticism, with one exception: its text of Mark concludes at the end of 16:8. In the second edition of the United Bible Societies’ Greek New Testament, 304 was not mentioned; minuscule 2386, instead, was listed as if it is the only extant Greek manuscript which ends at the end of 16:8 in agreement with Vaticanus and Sinaiticus.
In 1973, however, Kurt Aland deduced the reason why 2386 does not contain verses 9-20: a thief has removed the page upon which those verses were written, in order to obtain the illustration of the Evangelist Luke which was on the opposite side of the page. At that point, 304 was promoted, so that one now finds it mentioned in the textual apparatus as an ally of Vaticanus and Sinaiticus at Mark 16:8 in the fourth edition of the
Let’s take a closer look at 304. This manuscript is housed at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France – the National Library of France, and page-views of the manuscript, from microfilm, were recently made available.
The catalog-note near the beginning of 304 assigns it to the 13th century, which disagrees with Aland & Aland, who described it as if it was made in the 12th century. At the beginning of the portion that contains the text of Mark, the title is not “The Gospel of Mark.” It is, instead, “The Explanation (Ερμηνεια) of the Gospel of Mark.” This commentary came to the attention of researchers centuries ago, when a transcription of its contents was printed by Pierre Poussines (also known as Petrus Possinus) as “Codex Tolesanus” in 1673, in Catena Graecorum Patrum in Evangelium Secundum Marcum.
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The title, above Mark 1:1-3, in 304: "The Explanation of the Gospel of Mark." |
The Gospels-text of 304 is essentially Byzantine, and its
commentary-material on the Gospel of Mark consists mainly of a commentary
written by Theophylact of Achrida (or Ochrid) (c. 1050-1108), supplemented by comments from
various patristic writers, including – according to name-abbreviations
which appear in the margin next to the excerpts – Cyril, Origen, Photius,
Eusebius, Theodore of Mopsuestia, and Apollinaris, and occasionally an excerpt is
attributed to “Others.” (Similar abbreviations also appear in the margins in the commentary on Matthew, in which Chrysostom’s works are cited very frequently.)
In 1881, Hort mentioned the contents of 304, stating, “The third commentary printed
by Poussin likewise comes to an end at v. 8 in the Toulouse MS employed by him. But it is not yet known whether other MSS attest a similar text; and at all events
the Toulouse scholia are here almost identical with
those that are attributed to Theophylact, which certainly cover vv. 9-20.”
Indeed, when we compare Theophylact’s commentary to 304, the
text-divisions usually correspond exactly.
Most of the comments on Mark in 304 are derived from Theophylact, and
this can be confirmed with certainty via direct comparisons between
Theophylact’s comments and the comments found in 304. To demonstrate this important point, here are
translations of the beginnings of the comment-segments in 304, and the
beginnings of the comment-segments in Theophylact’s commentary, throughout Mark
chapter 15:
● After
304: The Jews handed over Christ to the Romans.
Theophylact: The Jews delivered the Lord to the Romans.
● After 15:21 –
304: Soldiers typically rejoice . . .
Theophylact: Soldiers typically rejoice . . .
● After 15:28 (which is not in the Alexandrian Text) –
There is some difference in
content and order, but in 304, sixteen lines into the comment, and in
Theophylact’s commentary at the outset of this segment, we find this statement:
304 –There is an old
tradition which says that Adam was buried in that place, where Christ was
crucified, so that in the place where death began, it would also meet its end.
Theophylact – There is a tradition
handed down from the holy fathers which says that Adam was buried in that place . . . so that where death began, there also death would be destroyed.
(This tradition, by the way, is why medieval illustrators sometimes drew a skull-and-crossbones at the base of the cross, representing the corpse of Adam.)
(This tradition, by the way, is why medieval illustrators sometimes drew a skull-and-crossbones at the base of the cross, representing the corpse of Adam.)
● After 15:32 –
304 – Not only did the
soldiers blaspheme the Lord, but also those who were going by blasphemed him .
. .
Theophylact – Even those who
were going by, that is, along the road, blasphemed the Lord . . .
(The parallel continues throughout
the comment, concluding with a reference to Luke’s observation about the
repentant thief.)
After this, 304 has an excerpt which is assigned to Hesychius,
beginning with Ακριβατε, about what Matthew and Luke say about the two
● After 15:37 –
304 – The darkness was not
in one place only, but over all the earth.
And at the end of the comment, there is a statement that Luke tells us
the words of Jesus’ cry: into your hands
I commit my spirit.
Theophylact – The darkness
was not only in that place, but over the whole earth. And near the end of the comment, there is a statement
that Luke tells us the words of Jesus’ cry:
into your hands I commit my spirit.
● After 15:41 –
304 – By the tearing of the
curtain, it was shown by God that the spirit of grace had departed from the
temple, and the Holy of Holies . . .
Theophylact – By tearing the
curtain, it was demonstrated by God that the grace of the Spirit had departed
from the temple, and the Holy of Holies . . .
● After 15:47 –
304 – Joseph of Arimathea,
though being a servant under the decrees of the law, understood Christ to be
God . . .
Theophylact – O Blessed
Joseph! Though a servant of the Law, he
perceived the divinity of Christ . . .
This very close relationship between Theophylact’s commentary and
the commentary-material in 304 continues into chapter 16, as shown by this
picture, in which the Greek text of Theophylact’s comments on Mark 16:1-8 are highlighted
in blue when there is a verbatim
correspondence in 304, and in yellow where the match is out of order or
otherwise approximated.
When one looks at the final lines of the commentary-material in
304, the text ends as follows: Η υπο του φοβου τον νουν απολεσασαι. (“Out of fear, they had lost
their minds.”) This corresponds to
similar material in Theophylact’s commentary.
(In Theophylact’s commentary, there is another sentence after this,
stating, And because of this they said
nothing to anyone, ignoring even what they had heard. – Και δια τουτο
ουδενι ουδεν ειπον, επιλαθόμεναι και ων
ηκουσαν.) There the text of 304 ends,
without any special marks (other than the usual dark circle that separates the
commentary-material from the Scripture-text) – not even the “+” marks that
appear in 304 at the end of the commentary on Matthew. There is no closing-title. There is not even an “Amen.” (The opposite side of the page contains scrawled notes which are not part of the commentary.)
There is, however, a faintly written note which indicates that this is where the exemplar of 304 ended. Beginning on the very next
line after the last line of commentary-text, and preceding the damage to the lower
margin of the page, it runs as follows:
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A two-line note -- faint but decipherable -- appears in 304 below the last line of commentary. |
ώσπερ ξένοι χαρουσι ιδειν πατρίδα
ουτω και η γράφοντες βιβλιον τελος
As travelers rejoice on their homeland to look,
Thus also the scribe at the end of a book.
Below this, in even fainter lettering, someone has repeated part
of the first line of this little note, but then the damage takes over and
nothing else is legible.
A similar, slightly longer note is also found in 304 below the end of the
commentary on Matthew. (Similar notes are found in other medieval manuscripts, such as Lectionary 1663.) There, the format
is different: the end of the commentary
is signified by a plus-mark (“+”) at the end of the last line of text, followed
by another line occupied solely by two additional plus-marks, before the note is
written (followed by two more lines of text).
All things considered, the following points should be clear:
(1) Pending further research, 304’s testimony to the ending of Mark at 16:8 should be considered highly dubious, inasmuch as Theophylact’s Explanation of the Gospels, the main source of 304’s Gospels-text and commentary-text, continues, not only with another sentence about Mark 16:1-8, but with two more segments, the first of which explains Mark 16:9-13 (beginning with a sentence descended from one that is also found in Eusebius’ Ad Marinum, stating that the opening phrase of 16:9 should be read with a pause) and the second of which explains Mark 16:14-20.
(2) Considering the essentially Byzantine nature of the text in 304, it seems very likely that 304 was copied from a damaged exemplar which was missing its final pages, rather than that 304 echoes an exemplar which was designed to display Mark 16:8 as the final text of Mark with no further comment.
(1) Pending further research, 304’s testimony to the ending of Mark at 16:8 should be considered highly dubious, inasmuch as Theophylact’s Explanation of the Gospels, the main source of 304’s Gospels-text and commentary-text, continues, not only with another sentence about Mark 16:1-8, but with two more segments, the first of which explains Mark 16:9-13 (beginning with a sentence descended from one that is also found in Eusebius’ Ad Marinum, stating that the opening phrase of 16:9 should be read with a pause) and the second of which explains Mark 16:14-20.
(2) Considering the essentially Byzantine nature of the text in 304, it seems very likely that 304 was copied from a damaged exemplar which was missing its final pages, rather than that 304 echoes an exemplar which was designed to display Mark 16:8 as the final text of Mark with no further comment.
(3) One
cannot absolutely rule out the theory that (a)
the exemplar of 304 contained a note similar to the one mentioned by Migne in a footnote in P.G. 123, found in “Codex 26”: “Some who have commented on this passage say
that Mark’s Gospel ends at this point [at 16:8] and that the remainder began
its existence later. An explanation of
this passage is also necessary in order that no injury may be done to the truth,”
and (b) on the basis of the first part of this note, the
scribe of 304 boldly decided to abstain
from copying any further text or comment. However, this theory seems highly unlikely, inasmuch as the copyist displays no intention of altering the text according to patristic observations about variant-readings elsewhere in 304 (such as at Matthew 27:16-17 and Mark 1:2).
(4) If
manuscripts which contain Theophylact’s commentary interspersed with the
Gospels-text can be shown to share a particular collection of fairly unique
readings (such as τον Ιησουν at the end of Mark 16:1), their weight should be considered collectively, rather than individually, and these manuscripts’ texts
could plausibly be regarded as very extensive quotations made by Theophylact,
rather than as continuous-text Gospels-manuscripts.
(5) More research on
Theophylact’s Gospels-commentary would be welcome. A good start (for any aspiring researcher)
might involve a comparison of 304 and 2214. 2214 is another 13th-century copy of Theophylact’s commentary in which the Gospels-text and
commentary-material are arranged in alternating segments. It was thought to be lost in the 1980’s, but
it is not lost; it resides as MS #233 at the Ivan Dujčev Research Center in Bulgaria . Future
investigators of Theophylact’s commentary and his Gospels-text should also look into minuscule 2879, which is at Oxford .
1 comment:
Thanks James, it is helpful to know that this manuscript did end at 16.8.
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