One of the most well-known textual variants in the book of Revelation occurs in
13:18: “Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the
number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is” – and that’s where the
variant-unit occurs. Almost all Greek
manuscripts of Revelation have
exakosioi exhkonta ex,
that is, six hundred + sixty + six, for a total of 666. However, in Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus (C,
04), produced in the 400’s, the number of the beast is, instead,
exakosioi deka ex,
that is, six hundred + ten + six, for a total of

To understand Revelation 13:18,
it is helpful to know Greek isopsephy, or gematria – the ancient method of
writing numerals in the Roman Empire in the first
century. The 24 letters of the Greek
alphabet, plus three obsolete letters (for 6, 90, and 900), were arranged in an
array of ones, tens, and hundreds, so as to facilitate the representation of
any quantity from 1 to 999. Thus every
combination of letters in every word could be said to have a numerical
value. Jesus’ name in Greek, for
example, consisted of the letters iota,
eta, sigma, omicron, upsilon, and sigma, and thus has a numerical value of 888 (10 + 8 + 200 + 70 +
400 + 200). The Greek word for “Lord,”
Κυριος, has a numerical value of 800 (20 + 400 +100 +10 + 70 + 200).
Papyrus 115 (a collection of extremely mutilated fragments,
produced c. 250) is one of the earliest manuscripts of this portion of the book
of Revelation. Its text of Revelation
13:18 is unique: it has what appears to
be the reading 616 (written in Greek numerals, that is, Greek letters with
horizontal lines above them to show that they are intended to be understood as
numerals), preceded by the letter
h which, standing alone, is the Greek word “or,” which
may indicate that in the preceding part of the line, the manuscripts may have
combined both readings, so as to read “666 or 616.”
Part of P115: "or 616." |
Papyrus 47 (produced in the 200’s) is another very early
manuscript of Revelation. Its text of
13:18 contains the usual reading expressed in
chi (600) +
xi (60) +
stau (6). (The obsolete letter
stau is also known
or as
digamma when written in a
different form resembling the capital English letter F.)
Although P47 and P115 were probably both produced less than
200 years after the book of Revelation was written, there is earlier evidence
for the existence of manuscripts with the reading “666” and for manuscripts
with the reading “616.” Irenaeus, bishop
of Lugdunum (Lyons) in what is now southeast
commented on Revelation 13:18 in
Against Heresies, Book 5, chapters 29-30. In
chapter 30, as Irenaeus focuses on the meaning of the number of the beast, he
mentions that six-hundred-and-sixty-six is the number that is “found in all the
most approved and ancient copies,” and he states that “those men who saw John
face to face” have testified to its genuineness.
P47 (Replica): 666 (in the middle of line 4). |
Irenaeus continued with a long note in which he mentioned the
alternate-reading 616 and declared it to be a corruption: “I do
not know how it is that some have erred following the ordinary mode of speech,
and have vitiated the middle number in the name, deducting the amount of fifty
from it, so that instead of six decads they will have it that there is but one.
[I am inclined to think that this
occurred through the fault of the copyists, as is wont to happen, since numbers
also are expressed by letters; so that the Greek letter which expresses the
number sixty was easily expanded into the letter Iota of the Greeks.] Others then received this reading without
examination; some in their simplicity, and upon their own responsibility,
making use of this number expressing one decad; while some, in their
inexperience, have ventured to seek out a name which should contain the
erroneous and spurious number.” (The bracketed portion is not in the Greek
text preserved by Eusebius of Caesarea, and is probably an interpolation.)
How exactly does one get from ΧΞϜ to ΧΙϜ? That is, how could a copyist confuse the
letters Ξ and Ι? One can only
guess. A careless mistake by an
inattentive or hurried copyist is not impossible. Perhaps the copyist of a very early copy,
writing by dictation, heard his supervisor pronounce the letters individually,
and wrote ΧΙ as the name of the first character, misheard the second character
as if it were the first one again, and then wrote the
stau, or
Another possibility is that a copyist, thinking that he had
deciphered the meaning of John’s statement, and that the leader of the beast
was Nero, or someone with a Nero-like character, adjusted the number to make
that identification a little easier to perceive. The Dead Sea Scrolls scholar
Edward Cook
explained this idea at his blog in 2006:
if one utilizes a Hebrew, rather than Greek, form of isopsephy, then the
total numerical value of the letters in “Neron Caesar” is 666. (This Hebrew form of Nero’s name appears in a
scroll that was produced during the reign of Nero himself.) A slight simplification – dropping the final
Nun – simultaneously dropped 50 from the
numerical value of the name, thus arriving at the alternative total of 616.

Yet another possibility is that an early interpreter of
Revelation identified the Antichrist as one of the Roman emperors, or as the
Emperorship in a collective sense. The
letters in the name Gaios Kaisar (that
is, Caligula, who was emperor in 37-41) add up to 616, and, as Adolph Deissmann pointed
out, so do the letters in the Greek words for “divine Caesar” – Kaisar Theos.
In the period after Nero’s death there was a concern that
Nero might not be completely dead, and that he would revive and return to power after gathering an
army from the east, particularly
Parthia. This idea was promoted in the second century
by one of the unknown authors of the
Oracles, who wrote (referring to Nero), “The reprobate man shall disappear,
and afterwards he shall return, equaling himself with God, but his pretensions
God shall refute.” This idea was shared
by the unknown author of the
Ascension of
Isaiah (in its Christianized edition).
In the 200’s, Commodianus (in
Instructions #41) also stated that in the end-times, “Nero shall have been raised from the
underworld.” This idea was also promoted
in the late 200’s by
Victorinus of Pettau, who wrote a commentary on
Revelation. Referring to Rev. 13:3,
Victorinus wrote that John “speaks of Nero.
For it is plain that when the cavalry sent by the senate was pursuing
him, he himself cut his throat. This
man, therefore, resuscitated, God will send as a worthy king to those who
deserve him.”
Augustine (in his book City
of God,
Book 20, chapter 19) mentioned that some of his contemporaries (in the early
400’s) imagined that Nero was still alive, diabolically endowed with longevity
and vigor, waiting for the opportunity to rise to power. Augustine regarded such a view as an
audacious presumption.
In the early Middle Ages (specifically, in the 700’s)
Beatus of Liebana recycled much of Victorinus’ commentary, and likewise affirmed that the
seven kings mentioned in
17:11 were
seven Roman Emperors (starting with Nero).
Beatus seems to have maintained that Nero was a
model, or “pre-figure,” of the Antichrist.

Irenaeus seems to have been completely unaware of any
proposed connection between Nero and the Antichrist. Instead, Irenaeus understood the “number of
the beast” to be the numerical value of the Greek letters in the name of the
Antichrist. (The numerical value of the
name “Neron” is 1,005, or 955 without the final N, which eliminates him from consideration if one limits oneself to
Greek isopsephy, which seems reasonable considering that the book of Revelation
was written in Greek.) Although
Irenaeus insisted that no one should insist on a specific identification – on
the grounds that if God had wanted the name, rather than the number, to be
known, it would have been stated plainly – he ventured a few guesses, using the
usual Greek isopsephy, mentioning “Lateinos”
and “Euanthas” but favoring “Teitan” as his best guess.
“Lateinos” may be understood as “the Latins,” i.e., the
Romans, whose empire Irenaeus recognized as the fourth kingdom envisioned by
Daniel. “Teitan” is another way to spell
“Titan,” which Irenaeus explains as the name of a tyrant (possibly alluding to
the emperor Titus), and as an ancient name used by pagans to identify the
sun-god. However, Irenaeus offered no
explanation for the name “Euanthas.”
Beatus (whose comments we will revisit shortly) had this word in mind when he stated that one of the seven names of the Antichrist is “Evantas,
which is called ‘serpent’ in Latin, for the one who deceived Eve first.”
A different theory about the origin of the term “Euanthas” was
offered in 1915 by F. H. Colson in a brief article in the Journal of Theological Studies.
Colson proposed that “Euanthas” is the result of an attempt to translate
the Latin name of Gessius Florus, the last Roman procurator of Judea
(in A.D. 64-66), into a Greek equivalent.
Florus’ tyrannical behavior provoked the First Jewish Revolt; he seized
temple-donations and crucified protesters.
If this is the source of the name Euanthas, then it may echo an early
understanding of Revelation 13 as a description of past, rather than
exclusively future, events.
Medieval commentators on the book of Revelation proposed
several other names and descriptions of the Antichrist based on the numerical
values of the letters in his name.
Primasius, an African bishop who lived in the 500’s, proposed the names “Antemos” and “Arnoume,” which mean “Contrary to honor” and “I deny” – the latter
being the words which Christians, when tested by persecutors, were tempted to
say in order to deny Christ.
Andrew of Caesarea, and/or Oecumenius (it is not entirely
clear which writer used the other writer’s work around the year 600) calculated
the numerical values of some descriptive names or titles: Lampetis
and Benediktos and Palaibaskanos (“ancient sorcerer”) and O Niketes (“The Conqueror” or
“Victorious One”) and Kakos Hodegos (“foul
leader”) and Amnos Adikos
(“unrighteous lamb”) each adds up to 666.
Beatus, relying on earlier writers, listed seven names for
the Antichrist, in light of the statement in Revelation 13:1 which states that
the beast in the vision had seven heads, “and on his heads was a blasphemous
In some manuscripts of Revelation
in which the text is accompanied by Beatus’ commentary, there are
full-page charts and tables listing the names assigned to the Antichrist, and
illustrating the numerical values of their letters. The names and their meanings are listed are
as follows:
Evantas – (From
Irenaeus) Either “serpent,” or a translation of the name Florus, the Roman
procurator who incited the First Jewish Revolt.
(5+400+1+50+9+1+200 = 666)
Damnatos – he who
causes condemnation.
(4+1+40+50+1+300+70+200 = 666)
Antemos – he who
abstains from wine.
(1+50+300+5+40+70+200 = 666)
Genserikos – This
name, from the commentary of
Victorinus of Pettau (who was martyred in the
Diocletian persecution), described simply as another name for the Antichrist in
Gothic. One might be forgiven for
thinking that it is an interpolation, inasmuch as about 150 years after
Victorinus, there was a historical figure named Genseric, king of the Vandals,
who sacked the city of Rome in 455. (The name
Gensērikos does happen to add up to
666: 3 + 5 + 50 + 200 + 8 + 100 + 10 + 20
+ 70 + 200.)
Antichristos –
Teitan – (from
Irenaeus) Titan
Diclux – (from
Victorinus) A Latin name (with Latin numerical values: D+I+C+L+V+X = 666) based on the
identification of Teitan as the sun: “Say
‘light,’” meaning that the Antichrist will imitate the devil who masquerades as
an angel of light.
From the second century onward, Revelation 13:18 has been understood as a reference to
the numerical value of the letters in the name of the Antichrist. Although the number 616 has some early
support, Irenaeus’ testimony in favor of 666 has tremendous weight: not only is he the earliest writer to comment
on the verse, but he specifically states that he consulted ancient manuscripts
– ancient in the 180’s! – to confirm that they did indeed have the number
666. Therefore, the reading “666” should
confidently be regarded as the original text.
The exact identification of the name with the numerical value
of 666 remains unknown. It may be as
helpful to know what this number does
represent as it is to know the name on which it is based. The number has
no necessary connection to
microchips, its second digit (the Greek letter
xi) is
not “the symbol of the snake” as alleged recently by Hank
Hanegraaff, it has
nothing to do with the logo of an energy drink, and if you happen to make a purchase for $6.66 there is no reason
to panic. For the first generation of Christians
who read the book of Revelation, the text was a source of encouragement to faithfully
refuse to deny Christ, even when the Roman government was demanding that they
worship the emperor and thus obtain a
an official certificate stating that its bearer had sacrificed to the image of
the emperor (or to his patron deities).
Faithfulness, rather than exhaustive knowledge of future events, was
what John desired to instill in his readers.
It is commendable for students of the Scriptures to investigate
the things therein which appear less than perfectly clear, such as the identity
of the person whose name has the value of 666, but it is also commendable, considering the explorations that others have already made into the
subject, to acknowledge that it is wiser to avoid being dogmatically and
insistently wrong, than to have confidence in a particular solution simply for
the sake of appearing confident. Whatever
name is represented by that number, the name that we should bear is the name of
Jesus Christ. In our deeds and in our
words and in our study, and in every circumstance, let us faithfully affirm
that we belong to Jesus Christ. As Peter
wrote in First Peter 4:16: “If anyone
suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God because of that name.”
Thank you for a very helpful article. Psephizo literally means count with pebbles (i.e counters, not higher maths), and nowhere can I find that the Scipture says count the number of the Beast's name, just count the number of the Beast. So has the whole of Christendom gone down a blind alley trying to use gematria to find isopsephs for names in Latin, English or Graecised and so one? But I have no suggestion as to how to do an alternative count. One website suggests seat 666 in the EU assembly is a clue. Maybe it will be easily apparent once the Beast arises, that Christians will be left in no doubt as to whom not to follow.
Great article. The number is NO doubt 666 as those are the only three numbers on the 30-line 15-number bar code (UPC) that are NOT given. They are the first two thin lines, the middle two thin lines and the last two thin lines. Two thin lines = 6. The "powers that be" wrote that script because they know the number!
ἐγὼ τὸ Ἄλφα καὶ τὸ Ὦ, ὁ πρῶτος καὶ ὁ ἔσχατος, ἡ ἀρχὴ καὶ τὸ τέλος.
= 5+3+26 + 21+16 + 1+12+23+1 + 11+1+10 + 21+16 + 26 + 16 + 17+19+26+21+16+20 + 11+1+10 + 16 + 5+20+24+1+21+16+20 + 8 + 1+19+24+8 + 11+1+10 + 21+16 + 21+5+12+16+20=666
Art 1( constitution of the federal republic of germany )
Die Wuerde des Menschen ist unantastbar.Sie zu achten und zu schuetzen ist Verpflichtung aller staatlichen Gewalt. Das Deutsche Volk bekennt sich darum zu unverletzlichen und unveraeusserlichen Menschenrechten als Grundlage jeder menschlichen Gemeinschaft, des Friedens und der Gerechtigkeit in der Welt. Die nachfolgenden Grundrechte binden Gesetzgebung, vollziehende Gewalt und Rechtsprechung als unmittelbar geltendes Recht.
DwdMiu SzauzsiVasG DdVbsdzuuuMaGjmGdFudGidW DnGbGvGuRaugR=4+23+4+13+9+21 + 19+26+1+21+26+19+9+22+1+19+7 + 4+4+22+2+19+4+26+21+21+21+13+1+7+10+13+7+4+6+21+4+7+9+4+23 + 4+14+7+2+7+22+7+21+18+1+21+7+18 = 666
382= 4+9+5 + 23+21+5+18+4+5 + 4+5+19 + 13+5+14+19+3+8+5+14 + 9+19+20 + 21+14+1+14+20+1+19+20+2+1+18 .
2596= 4+9+5 + 500+300+5+90+4+5 + 4+5+100 + 40+5+50+100+3+8+5+50 + 9+100+200 + 300+50+1+50+200+1+100+200+2+1+90 .
2596-382= 6+66+666+6+66+666+6+66+666
But Jesus is the name of the beast/antichrist. This is the problem, Satan deceives the whole world.
Use the name Jesus to calculate the number of the beast.
James, Which number are you specifically referring to, 666 or 616? Sincrrely John
616 or 666?
I have no idea what this other "James" was referring to; "Jesus" is certainly not the name of the antichrist, and the letters in "Jesus" in Greek add up to 888, not 666.
Can you speak it in English pls?
Venture to guess we have been visited many times by the Antichrist. Too many assume too much. Answers to these type of questions are often far more simple and far more complex at the same time than we realize. This is why we have so many who will attempt to predict the date for the end of the world wrongly. The problem is not that we don't know enough, it's that there isn't enough to know and there's too much to know. We are simply not to know certain things. However, if our minds and hearts are opened to God's, He will assist us against deception.
One thing for sure, we must be diligent to have our lamps filled, our oil stocked, and our attention focused on Jesus' (the Bridegroom) return.
The greatest clue we will have as to the identity of the Antichrist is that the whole world will flock to him. We must not.
At the sound of 6th trumpet, the pouring of the 6th vile and the opening of the 6th seal. When all these have come to pass then the beast will be among us. 666 is not referring to a specific name, but a specific time. We are close to the moment where a "peacemaker" will arise seemingly out of nowhere, and for a short time there will be peace. Do not think for one moment that you will be caught up in the clouds with Jesus to escape this moment of tribulation. I leave you with this thought is God a respecter of people? Who in the Bible was not tested to his/her limit of devotion to the Lord? Did His only begotten Son get a pass? NO even God in the flesh suffered greatly and died, but rose again and defeated death. No my friends God tests us ALL! It is written He is a jealous God, and demands, and deserves, complete devotion. Those who pass the test will spend eternity with Him.
It will definitely affect all humanity. 6-6-6 are specific events that ushers in the time when the beast will walk among us.
Let's get one tihng straight: we've know all along who the antichrist is: it is Satan. What we've been calling the antichrist is actually the false prophet, to whom the antichrist (Satan) gives all his power so that he can deceive the world.
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