
Saturday, December 24, 2022

Patristic Presents

         Here are some presents for Christmas 2022:  online patristic resources in English - volumes of the old Ante-Nicene Church Library series, and a significant number of other materials, all accessible for free.  (Some materials may be duplicated; I made this post in a hurry to get it done before Christmas.)

 ANF Vol. 1

ANF Vol. 2

ANF Vol. 3

ANF Vol. 4

ANF Vol. 5

ANF Vol. 6

ANF Vol. 7  

ANF Vol. 8

ANF Vol. 9

ANF Vol. 10 (Bibliographical Synopsis and Index)

Irenaeus - Proof of the Apostolic Preaching (1952)

Origen (mainly) - Philocalia

Eusebius – Ecclesiastical History (1865)

Eusebius – Ecclesiastical History (again)

Eusebius - Ad Marinum (This is Roger Pearse's book, which contains the definitive Greek text with English translation.  He also has done some interesting research about the early Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ on December 25, which is summarized here.)

Eusebius - Against Hierocles

Sozomen – More Ecclesiastical History (1865)

Aphrahat – Homilies (1869)

Didascalia Apostolorum (1903)

Fortunatianus of Aquileia

Phoebadius of Agen (Against the Arians)

Marcellus of Ancyra

Teachings of the Twelve Apostles (Apostolic Constitutions)

Gregory Thamaturgus - On the Mother of God 

Theodoret, Jerome, Gennadius, Rufinus

Hippolytus & Callistus

Eusebius – Ecclesiastical History, Life of Constantine, & In Praise of Constantine

Jerome – Letters & Other Works

Augustine – Confessions & Letters

Socrates, Sozomen – More Ecclesiastical History

Augustine – City of God and On Christian Doctrine 

Augustine – On the Holy Trinity, Doctrinal Treatises, Moral Treatises 

Augustine – Against Manichaeans & Against Donatists 

Athanasius – Select Works & Letters 

Augustine – Anti-Pelagian Writings and Other Works

Gregory of Nyssa

Jerome – Letters & Select Works (links embedded on-site)

Cyril of Jerusalem, Gregory Nazianzus

Augustine – Expositions on Psalms

Basil of Caesarea – Letters & Select Works

Chrysostom – On the Priesthood and Other Works  

Hilary of Poitiers and John of Damascus

Ambrose:  Select Works & Letters 

Chrysostom:  Homilies on Acts and Romans        

Chrysostom:  Homilies on I & II Corinthians

Leo the Great & Gregory the Great

Gregory, Ephrem Syrus, and Aphrahat

Chrysostom:  Homilies on Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, and Philemon

Chrysostom – Homilies on John and Hebrews

Seven Ecumenical Councils

New Advent's Collection (Fathers of the Church)

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