Dr Peter Head, in a 2022 article at Text & Canon Institute, claimed that "The earliest evidence we have for the Christian Palestinian Aramaic version of Mark (Codex Sinaiticus Rescriptus in St Petersburg, Syr. No. 16) ends at 16:8."
In real life, as Steven Avery has stated, Codex Sinaiticus Rescriptus in St Petersburg, Syr. No. 16 has a lacuna near the beginning of verse 8. The manuscript is simply a silent witness.
Let it be noted that the number of inaccuracies in Dr. Head's initial article are accumulating: he is flatly incorrect regarding the Diatessaron, regarding the CPA, and regarding Hesychius - and no retraction has been forthcoming. He is invited to use the comments-section.
Hi Dear
Merry Christmas and happy new year
I need to know who is Textual Criticism Scholars accepted the Mark ending
Merry Christmas Luther! Find me on Facebook - James E Snapp Jr - and let me give you a book about that.
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