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John 1:17b-18 in Codex Alexandrinus. |
If mere
quantities of witnesses were decisive, the question would be settled in a
moment: about 1,610 Greek manuscripts
read ὁ μονογενὴς υἱός. Seventeen Greek manuscripts read υἱός
accompanied by a minor variation.
(Details from Text und Textwurk: 225, 352*, 581, 1126, 1171, 1651, 2311 and
2462 read ὁ μονογεννὴς υἱός and 2546
reads ὁ μονογενὴς ὁ υἱός and 2479
and 2528 read μονογενὴς υἱός, and 2192 reads ὁ μονογενὴς υἱός του θεου and 1116 reads ὁ μονογενὴς γαρ υἱός; the other variants are trivial.) Seven Greek manuscripts read θεός, of which
only five – P66, À*,
B, C*, and L – do not have the article ὁ
before μονογενὴς.
The reading
adopted in NA27 is attested in .3% of the extant Greek manuscripts. Here, as elsewhere, one may sense the
inconsistency of those who speak about “an embarrassment of riches” in the
church’s textual treasury and then proceed to adopt readings which imply that
99.7% of the coins are counterfeit.
Rather than
observe such an overwhelming wave of evidence and call it a day, we should
consider ancient evidence – and when we do, this contest becomes less
Data that
pertains to this textual contest can be harvested from the textual apparatus of
the United Bible Society’s Greek New
Testament, Fourth Revised Edition, from Ezra Abbot’s 1861 article, On the Reading ‘Only-begotten God’ in John
1:18, from Hort’s 1876 dissertation On
the Words Μονογενὴς Θεός, and from Paul McReynolds’ essay John 1:18 in Textual Variation and
Translation (on pages 105-118 of New
Testament Textual Criticism: Its
Significance for Exegesis, 1981).
That data
needs to be carefully processed. The
first thing that needs to be done is to realize that there are more than two
horses in the race, so to speak. ὁ
μονογενὴς υἱός (The only begotten Son) is the majority reading; μονογενης θεος
(only begotten God) is the reading supported by Papyrus 66, Codex Sinaiticus,
and Codex Vaticanus; ὁ μονογενὴς θεος is supported by Papyrus 75, by an early
corrector of Codex Sinaiticus, and by minuscule 33. Codex W, in a supplemental section, has a
slightly different reading: εἱ μὴ ὁ
μονογενὴς υἱός (“except the only begotten Son”). And, as we shall see, some patristic witness
support ὁ μονογενὴς, with neither “Son” nor “God.”
A word of
caution may be in order regarding an
online essay by Brian J. Wright, Jesus
as Θεος (God): A Textual Examination. Though described by Daniel Wallace as
“outstanding,” and certainly more thorough than most commentaries, the essay contains
so many errors that readers are well-advised to avoid relying on
Wright’s work without double-checking it.
A few examples of the errors in Wright’s essay may convey why it should
be considered thin ice: (1) Wright listed S* among the
witnesses for μονογενὴς θεός; however, this is surely because Wright used a source
in which the letter “S” was used in place of “À” and Wright simply failed
to realize this, and misreported À’s testimony twice.
(2) Wright listed Codex D as a witness for ὁ
μονογενὴς θεός; however, Codex D – that is, Codex Bezae – is not extant for
John 1:18. (3) Wright listed Hilary among the witnesses for μονογενὴς θεός. (The
term is used by Hilary in On the Councils,
chapter 36). However, as Ezra Abbot
observed over 150 years ago, although the term “unigenitus Deus” is often used by Hilary, that does not mean that
the phrase was in Hilary’s manuscripts of John.
Abbot observed that Hilary “has never
quoted the passage with this reading” (i.e., with μονογενὴς θεός) “but has, on
the contrary, expressly quoted it seven times
with the reading filius; and not only
so, but has commented upon it in such
a way (De Trin. Lib. VI. c. 39) as to
demonstrate beyond question that he thus read the passage.” (4)
His use of Apostolic Constitutions as
a witness for “only begotten God” as a reading in John 1:18 does not appear to
be based on Scripture-quotations, but merely on the use of the phrase “only
begotten God” in Apostolic Constitutions
3:17, 5:20, 8:7 and 8:35.
with such foggy goggles, let’s look at some patristic evidence in more detail
(as well as evidence from three early versions), beginning with the composition
Against Heresies, written in the late
170s and early 180s by Irenaeus, the famous apologist and bishop of Lyons. (Beside most of the following witnesses I have
placed a dot: a red dot = support for “Son,”
a blue dot = support for “God,” a green dot = support for both readings, a grey
dot = support for something else, and unclear evidence receives no dot.)
● Irenaeus
(c. 180). The testimony of Irenaeus supports
both “Son” and “God.” In Book 3, 11:5-6,
Irenaeus states, “The God who made the earth, and commanded it to bring forth
fruit, who established the waters, and brought forth the fountains, was He who
in these last times bestowed upon mankind, by His Son, the blessing of food and
the favor of drink: the Incomprehensible [acting thus] by means of the
comprehensible, and the Invisible by the visible; since there is none beyond
Him, but He exists in the bosom of the Father.
For ‘No man,’ he says, ‘has seen God at any time,’ unless ‘the
only-begotten Son of God, which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared
[Him].’ For He, the Son who is in His
bosom, declares to all the Father who is invisible. Wherefore they know
Him to whom the Son reveals Him; and again, the Father, by means of the Son,
gives knowledge of His Son to those who love Him.”
this use of John 1:18, even with the addition of the words “of God,” it is
clear that Irenaeus was using a text that read υἱός and not θεός; not only is υἱός
in the quotation but it is also in Irenaeus’ comment which immediately follows
(“For He, the Son who is in His
bosom,” etc.).
Book 4, 20:6-7, Irenaeus writes, “He [i.e., God] is
by no means unknown: for all things learn through His Word that there is one
God the Father, who contains all things, and who grants existence to all, as is
written in the Gospel: ‘No man has seen
God at any time, except the only-begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the
Father; He has declared [Him].’
Therefore the Son of the Father declares [Him] from the beginning,
inasmuch as He was with the Father from the beginning.”
Irenaeus may have used a text of
John in which εἱ μὴ preceded ὁ μονογενὴς υἱός in 1:18, as in Codex Wsupp,
but regardless, υἱός is clearly favored in this quotation and in the
subsequent comment (“Therefore the Son of the Father,” etc.). Hort’s attempt (in his 1876 work Two Dissertations)
to spin away from this conclusion is not plausible, despite his confident tone.
Only shortly later in Book
4, in 20:11, Irenaeus uses a different reading of John 1:18, stating, “It is
manifest that the Father is indeed invisible, of whom also the Lord said, ‘No
man has seen God at any time.’ But His
Word, as He Himself willed it, and for the benefit of those who beheld, did
show the Father’s brightness, and explained His purposes, as also the Lord
said: ‘The only-begotten God, which is
in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared [Him].’” This quotation in 4:20:11, while not
accompanied by confirmatory exposition, clearly supports the reading θεός. While it may seem unlikely
that Irenaeus would cite two different forms of John 1:18, or that he would
fail to point out that they were verbally different, that seems to be what has occurred.
While on
the subject of Irenaeus’ writings, it should be noted that there is an issue
regarding Irenaeus’ statement that Irenaeus stated that the Valentinians
described the Arche-emanation as μονογενὴς
θεός; Paul McReynolds states that Irenaeus claimed that the Valentinians
describe the Αρχη as Son and Only-begotten and God (that is, υἱόν και μονογενὴ
και θεόν). However, Hort preferred to
follow the text of Epiphanius’ extract from Irenaeus as it appears “in the Venice MS ” [Venice MS II. 483, I think] with και υἱόν και μονογενὴ θεόν which, Hort said, agrees with the properly
compiled Latin text, “et Filium et
Unigenitum Deum” and disagrees with “the common text.” Following Hort’s approach, it appears that
the Valentinians in Irenaeus’ time used the term “only begotten God.”
● The Diatessaron (172). The Diatessaron appears to support
neither major contender. The Arabic
Diatessaron, although it echoes the arrangement in which Tatian ordered the
text of the Gospels in the second century, is not a safe stand-alone guide to
Tatian’s text where details are concerned, and regarding the text of John 1:18
almost certainly only echoes the Peshitta, in a form extant in 873 (when the
Arabic Diatessaron’s Syriac ancestor-manuscript was made). Are there other relevant Diatessaronic
witnesses? Yes. Ephrem Syrus, writing a commentary on the
Diatessaron around 360, used John 1:18 in a form which favored neither “only
begotten Son” nor “only begotten God” but which read simply “the only
Begotten,” treating the Syriac equivalent of μονογενὴς as a noun. Similarly, in about 345, Aphrahat, another
Syriac writer who used the Diatessaron, wrote in part 6 of Demonstration Six (On Monks), “The Only Begotten who is from the
bosom of His Father shall cause all the solitaries to rejoice.”
● Hippolytus
(190s). In Contra Noetum 5
Hippolytus specifically quotes John 1:18:
“For John also says, ‘No man has seen God at any time; the only-begotten
Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him.”
● Tertullian
(very early 200s). In Against Praxeus 15:6, Tertullian
utilizes John 1:18 with clear support for “only-begotten Son”: “It is of course the Father, with whom was
the Word, the only-begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, and has
Himself declared Him.”
● Clement
of Alexandria
(150-215). In Stromateis 5:12. Clement
clearly uses John 1:18 with θεός: “John the apostle says, ‘No man has seen God
at any time. The only-begotten God, who
is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him.’” Yet in Who Is the Rich Man Who Shall Be Saved, part 37, we read as
follows: “For what further need has God
of the mysteries of love? And then you
shall look into the bosom of the Father, whom God the only-begotten Son alone
has declared.” And in Stromateis 1:26, we read: “The
expounder of the laws is the same one by whom the law was given; the first
expounder of the divine commands, who unveiled the bosom of the Father, the
only-begotten Son.” McReynolds provided
the Greek text of the final phrase: –
ο τον κόλπον του Πατρος εξηγούμενος υιος μονογενής. Unless Clement’s compositions’ text has been
thoroughly altered by scribes, it would appear that Clement knew of forms of
John 1:18 with “only begotten God” and with “only begotten Son.”
● Origen (184-253). In his Commentary
on John, 2:29, Origen makes a clear utilization of John 1:18 with ὁ
μονογενὴς θεός: “Accordingly John came
to bear witness of the light, and in his witness-bearing he cried, saying, ‘He
that comes after me exists before me; for He was before me; for of His fullness
we have all received and grace for grace, for the law was given by Moses, but
grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one
has seen God at any time; the only-begotten God, who is in the bosom of the
Father, He has declared Him.’ This whole speech is from the mouth of the
Baptist bearing witness to the Christ. Some
take it otherwise, and consider that the words from ‘for of His fullness’ to ‘He
has declared Him’ are from the writer, John the Apostle.”
In Contra Celsum 2:71,
Origen supports θεός in some copies of this composition, but two copies of it
read υιος: “Jesus taught us who it was
that sent Him, in the words, ‘None knows the Father but the Son,’ and in these,
‘No man has seen God at any time; the only-begotten Son, who is in the bosom of
the Father, He has declared Him.” Very
probably the copies with υιος represent scribal conformations to the Gospels-text
known to later copyists of the composition, as Hort explains in Note
A in his dissertation.
● The
Sahidic version (late 200s or 300s). Although
most Sahidic copies of John are relatively late, the situation changed with the
publication in 1981 of P.
Palau Ribes 183, part of a Sahidic Gospels-manuscript which has been
assigned to the 400s. (This
production-date is not secure, due to the consistency of Coptic scripts in the 400s-700s,
but even a production-date in the 700s would be relatively early, as Sahidic
manuscripts go.) The manuscript known as
P. Palau Ribes 183 reads as follows, according to Coptic specialist Alin Suciu: “No one has ever seen God. God, the only Son, the one who is in the
bosom of his Father, that one is he about whom he spoke.”
● The Epistle of Hymenaeus (270). Also known as The Epistle of Six Bishops, or, The
Epistle to Paul of Samosata, this letter was written and signed by
Hymenaeus the bishop of Jerusalem ,
who presided at the Council of Antioch in 264/268. It was also signed by five other bishops
(Theophilus, Theotecnus, Maximus, Proclus, and Bolanus) to express their
opposition against the teachings of Paul of Samosata. It was mentioned and summarized by Eusebius
of Caesarea. Its text supports ὁ μονογενὴς υἱός.
● Hegemonius
(late 200s/300s). According to an
obscure writer named Heraclianus of Chalcedon, Hegemonius was the person who
wrote down the contents of Archelaus’
Dispute with Manes, but Epiphanius and Jerome claim that the author was Archelaus
himself, which would place its composition-date in 277. It does not seem impossible that Archelaus
wrote this composition in Syriac and Hegemonius made a definitive translation. The latest possible date for the Greek text
of this work is the 370’s, since Epiphanius used extracts from it. In part 32, Archelaus makes a clear
utilization of John 1:18 with “only-begotten
Son” – “No man has seen God at any time, save the only-begotten Son, which
is in the bosom of the Father.” (Notice
that here we have another witness that agrees with Codex W.)
● Eustathius
of Antioch (d.
337). This writer, in the 18th
chapter of his work, De Engastrimytho
Contra Origenem, utilized John 1:18 with ὁ μονογενὴς υἱός, and commented on
the verse. (The citation is in Volume 18
of Migne’s Patrologia Graece, in
column 652, digital page #333.)
● Eusebius
of Caesarea (early 300s). The testimony of Eusebius, who is cited in UBS 4 as if he utilized ὁ μονογενὴς θεός three times
out of seven utilizations, was tested by Abbot, who (in citation-references on
page 859 of his article, in a footnote) observed that Eusebius repeatedly used
John 1:18 with υἱός. As evidence, Abbot
mentioned De Ecclesiastica Theologia,
Book 1, chapter 20, in paragraphs 4, 5, and 7, and Book 2, chapter 23, and a
comment on Psalm 73:11, and a comment on Isaiah 6:1, where the entire phrase,
“the only-begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father,” is found.
countered the claim (previously advanced by Tregelles) that Eusebius utilized
John 1:18 with θεός in De
Ecclesiastica Theologia, Book 1, chapter 9,
by succinctly showing that the passage supports υἱός more than it supports θεός. Abbot noticed that in De Ecclesiastica Theologia, Book 3, chapter 7, Eusebius states that
the Father alone may be called “the One God, and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ; but the Son [may be called] only-begotten God, who is in the bosom of
the Father,” – (in the Greek text here, there is no article) – “and the
Paraclete, Spirit, but neither God nor Son.”
Abbot minimized this statement as something less than a direct
quotation, but to me, it looks like a utilization of John 1:18 with no article before
μονογενὴς, followed by θεός.
● Athanasius
of Alexandria
(296-373). The bishop of Alexandria in the early
300s might be expected to promote the Alexandrian reading of John 1:18 – but
that is not what we find. Instead, in Defense
of Nicea 5:7, Athanasius uses
John 1:18 with “the only-begotten Son”
as one of the proof-texts that Christ is begotten, not created. And in Discourse
2, Athanasius quoted John 1:18 with ὁ μονογενὴς υἱός in the midst of a
theological discussion.
In the
composition Contra Sabellians, which
is sometimes attributed to Athanasius, all of John 1:18 is cited with “ὁ μονογενὴς υἱός.” If this is not the work of Athanasius then it
is the work of another, slightly later, Greek writer.
Arius of Alexandria
(250-336) and Auxentius of Milan (d. 374). Arius is the infamous heretic; Auxentius
is an Arian bishop who held the office of bishop in Milan in the 300s before Ambrose. Auxentius, in his creedal statement of Arian
beliefs, said that Wulfilas (translator of the Gothic version, and regarded as
an Arian late in his career) taught that God the Father “did create and beget,
make, and establish an only-begotten God (unigenitum
deum).” Auxentius used the term
“only-begotten God” three more times:
(1) Auxentius
stated that Wulfilas handed down the argument that “If the inexhaustible power
of the only-begotten God (unigeniti dei) is reliably said to be capable of having made
all things celestial and terrestrial, invisible and visible, and is believed
rightly and faithfully by us Christians, why is it not credited that the
passionless power of God the Father might create His only-begotten Son?”
(2) Auxentius
stated that Wulfilas “spread abroad, by his words and tractates, that the Father
and the Son were different in their divinity, unbegotten God and only-begotten
God (dei ingeniti et dei unigeniti).
(3) Auxentius stated, “An unbegotten God being in
existence, and one Lord only-begotten existing by God, the Holy Spirit Advocate
can be said to be neither God nor Lord.”
Auxentius never cites John 1:18, it is at least clear from his statements that
Arians in the 300s had no objection to the phrase “only begotten God.” This phrase does not appear in John 1:18 in
any Old Latin manuscripts; yet the Arians in the West were entirely comfortable
using it. The notion that the reading in
John 1:18 with θεός was a particularly powerful weapon in defense of
Trinitarian orthodoxy rings hollow in light of this; it is rather baffling to
find modern apologists treating the reading “only-begotten God” as if it is a
bulwark against Arianism. (See, for
example, Bob Utley’s claim
that John 1:18 with “only-begotten God” is “a strong affirmation of the full
and complete deity of Jesus!”)
● De Sanctissima Trinitate Confessio (300s).
This Latin text is usually attributed to Eusebius Vercellensis, although
this attribution is not secure; the composition in any event is from no later
than the late 300’s. According to
McReynolds, in 4:16 the author quotes John 1:18 with “only-begotten Son” (unigenitus filius) in its fourth
● Hilary
of Poitiers
(310-367). In chapter
39 of Book Six of On the Trinity, Hilary
specifically quotes John 1:18 and interprets it: “Let him speak to us in his own familiar voice: No one has seen God at any
time, except the only-begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father. It
seemed to him that the name of Son did not set forth with sufficient
distinctness His true divinity, unless he gave an external support to the peculiar
majesty of Christ by indicating the difference between Him and all others. Hence he not only calls Him the ‘Son,’ but
adds the further designation of the ‘Only-begotten,’ and
so cuts away the last prop from under this imaginary adoption. For the fact that
He is Only-begotten is proof positive of His right to the name of Son.” (Notice the “except,” as if Hilary’s text is
an ally of Codex Wsupp.)
rather frequently uses the phrase “only begotten God” in his writings, but when
he makes citations of John 1:18, he shows plainly that his Gospels-text
supports “the only begotten Son.”
● Phoebadius
of Agen (mid-300s). This Latin-writing
bishop in northeast Italy
was in the thick of theological controversies; he wrote Against
the Arians (Contra Arianos) in 358.
In chapter 12, part 4, as Phoebadius confronts Arian teachings, he
quotes from the Gospel of John: “For
John says, ‘No one has ever seen God except the only-begotten Son who is in the
bosom of the Father.’” This composition
is plausibly as old as Codex Sinaiticus; yet Phoebadius’ name seldom appears in
commentaries. (Notice again the
agreement with Wsupp.)
● Gregory
Nazianzus (329-390). Gregory
Nazianzus provides a clear citation of John 1:18 in his Third
Theological Oration (also titled Oration
29), chapter 17, using John 1:18 as a proof-text for the deity of
Christ: “Then the Son is
only-begotten: ‘The only-begotten Son
which is in the bosom of the Father,’ it says, ‘He has declared Him.’”
● Basil
(330-379). In De Spiritu Sancto 8, 15, and 27, in 375, Basil used a series of
proof-texts. In chapter 15, as Basil
demonstrated that the exaltation of Christ as divine is Scriptural, he
wrote: “We ask them to listen to the
Lord Himself, distinctly setting forth the equal dignity of His glory with the
Father, in His words, ‘He who has seen Me has seen the Father,’ and again,
‘When the Son comes in the glory of His Father,’ ‘that they should honor the
Son even as they honor the Father, and, ‘We beheld His glory, the glory as of
the only-begotten of the Father,’ and, ‘The
only-begotten God which is in the bosom of the Father.’ Of all these passages they take no account,
and then assign to the Son the place set apart for His foes. A father’s bosom is a fit and becoming seat
for a son, but the place of the footstool is for them that have to be forced to
In chapter
8 of De Spiritu Sancto, Basil writes
that the Scripture “uses terms descriptive of His nature, for it recognizes the
name which is above every name, the name of Son, and speaks of true Son, and
only-begotten God, and power of God, and Wisdom, and Word.”
At the end
of chapter 11 of De Spiritu Sancto,
Basil clearly shows that his text of John 1:18 read θεός: following a quotation of First Corinthians
12:3, he states, “And, ‘No man has seen God at any time, but the only begotten God which
is in the bosom of the Father, he has declared him.’”
● Gregory
of Elvira (mid/late 300s). This
opponent of Arianism quoted John 1:18 in Latin in the composition-collection
known as Tractatus Origenis
(Tractate 16, part 25), preceded by a
quotation of Exodus 33:20: “Non poteris
faciem meam videre, nemo enim vidit Deum et vixit? Salvator quoque in evangelio: Deum,
inquit, nemo vidit umquam nisi unicus
filius, qui est in sinu Patris.”
This supports “only begotten Son.”
● The
Peshitta (late 300s). The standard
Syriac translation supports “only begotten God.” There is some inconsistency in how the
Peshitta’s text of John 1:18 has been translated; to settle this question I
consulted Dr. Jeff Childers, who provided the following information:
expression ihidaya Alaha is pretty
straightforward grammatically. The noun Alaha (“God”) is being modified by the
adjectival ihidaya. It cannot mean “ihidaya of God” – that would be quite a different construction. It literally means, the “ihidaya God.”
Again: the Peshitta supports ὁ μονογενὴς θεός.
● Didymus the Blind (313-398) (maybe). The testimony of Didymus
should be viewed through the lens of the suspicion that someone other than
Didymus is the author of De Trinitate. Whoever the author of De Trinitate was, he utilized John 1:18 with θεός in 1:15 , 1:26 and 2:5. According
to Hort, Didymus used the same text in a comment on Psalm 76:14. McReynolds lists Didymus’ Commentary on Zachariah 5:33 and Commentary on Ecclesiastes 12:5 as
additional utilizations of John 1:18 with θεός.
● Epiphanius
(late 300s). According to Hort, in Ancoratus 2:5, 3:9 and in Panarion 612, 817, Epiphanius utilizes
John 1:18 with θεός; unfortunately Hort did not specify whether the article was
present or not.
● Serapion
of Thmuis (300s) and Titus of Bostra
(d. 378) have been confused with one another in earlier editions of the UBS Greek New Testament; both authors wrote
compositions titled “Against the
Manichaeans.” Without going into
detail about the causes of the confusion (See Robert P. Casey’s 1928 article in
Harvard Theological Review for
details), it should be sufficient to note that John 1:18 with ὁ μονογενὴς υἱός is utilized in Adversus Manichaeos 3:6 – the text is in
Volume 18 of Migne’s Patrologia Graecae,
col. 1224 (digital page #631) – and in the same composition, further along (in
column 1240, on digital page #639), the author quotes John 1:18 with the
reading “ὁ Μονογενὴς Υἱός Θεός,” and the author describes this as a statement
from the Gospel. (A Syriac version of
Titus of Bostra’s Against the Manichaeans
is extant in a manuscript dated to 411.)
● Ambrose
of Milan (340-397). This famous bishop quotes John 1:18 with
“only-begotten Son” several times, such as in his work De Ioseph, 14:84 (composed in 388) and in his Exposition on Luke, 1:25 – “Et addidit quod ultra caelestis est
potestates: unigenitus filius, qui est
in sinu patris, ipse enarravit.”
● John
Chrysostom (349-407). This famous writer quoted John 1:18 seven
times, and every quotation supports ὁ μονογενὴς
υἱός. A definitive example is
Chrysostom’s Homily 15 on John;
another is in his composition On the
Incomprehensible Nature of God, 4:3 and 5:1 (found in Vol. 48 of Migne’s Patrologia Graece, columns 731 and 736;
digital page #211 and #215).
● Cyril
of Alexandria (d.
444). Cyril of Alexandria might naturally be
expected to strongly support μονογενὴς θεός – and he does. In his Commentary
on John, chapter 10, in the course of commenting on John 1:10 , the text which forms the
heading of the chapter contains μονογενὴς θεός.
In the commentary, Cyril restates the verse slightly loosely: “No man has seen God at any time; for the Only-Begotten, Himself being God, which is in the bosom of God the Father, made this declaration to
us.” In the same paragraph, Cyril
repeatedly uses the phrase “only-begotten God” and attributed it to John’s
Gospel. Cyril also quotes John 1:18 with
“The only begotten God” in his Five Tomes
Against Nestorius. (In one
instance in his work against Nestorius, and once in the extant text of Cyril’s Thesaurus de Sancta Substantiali Trinitate,
in part 35, John’s Gospel is specifically cited and the full contents of John
1:18 are quoted with ὁ μονογενὴς υἱός; these are almost certainly scribal
conformations by the copyist of Cyril’s works; in his Thesaurus, Cyril refers to the contents of John 1:18 a few
sentences later in the composition, using the expression, “The only-begotten God the Word.”
The scribes who made these conformations were strangely inconsistent, altering
some quotations, but not others which were nearby.)
● Adimantus
(mid/late 300s). This Manichaean heretic
wrote a book and Augustine wrote a response to Adimantus’ book. Usually when Augustine quotes John 1:18, he
uses unigenitus to represent
“only-begotten,” but in Contra Adimantum
9, a quotation of John 1:18
appears in which unicus is used
instead: deum nemo vidit umquam nisi unicus filius qui est in sinu patris ille
adnuntiavit vobis de eo. (See pages
144-145 of Hugh Houghton’s Augustine’s
Text of John, © 2008 H. A. G. Houghton, Oxford University Press.) Repeatedly in Contra Adimantus, Augustine’s quotations from John depart from the
form that he usually employs, suggesting that in these particular quotations,
Augustine is quoting passages of John as they were presented in Adimantus’
● Augustine
(354-430). Augustine utilized John
1:18 without a noun after “only-begotten”
in Tractate on the Gospel of
John, 3:17 (similar to the
Diatesaronic reading used by Ephrem and Aphrahat). In Tractate 31:3, however, he quotes the verse
with “only-begotten Son,” (with the Latin
equivalent of ει μη) and in Tractate 35:5 he quotes the verse more
precisely, and again in Tractate 47:3:
“He Himself has said, ‘No one has seen God at any time; but the only-begotten
Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him.”
● Theodore of Mopsuestia (350-428). In Theodore’s commentary on John (composed
probably in 404-408), John 1:18 is utilized twice, once with “God the only-begotten,” (as he
introduces the verse) and once (in his comment on John 1:29) with “Only Son.” (See pages 18 and 20 of the English
translation of Theodore’s Commentary on
John by Marco Conti, edited by Joel C. Elowsky, published by InterVarsity
Press, 2010.) In a comment on Psalm
34:13, Theodore quotes John 1:18 twice,
using ὁ μονογενὴς υἱός. (For details see
pages 368-369 of Robert C. Hill’s 2006 Theodore
of Mopsuestia – Commentary on Psalms 1-81, Translation with Introduction and Notes,
published by the Society for Biblical Literature.) (It is tempting to conclude that some copyist
who was influenced by the Peshitta is responsible for the one instance of “God the only-begotten.”)
● The
Ethiopic Version (300s or 400s). Hort,
in Note C of his 1876 dissertation, described 19 Ethiopic manuscripts of John: two at Cambridge
and 19 at the British
Museum (all of which are
very late). Hort seems to have concluded
that two Ethiopic manuscripts support “the
only-begotten God,” one supports “the
only-begotten of God” (a reading
which aligns with a paraphrastic form of the verse used by Eusebius, ὁ
μονογενὴς του θεου, in a comment on
Psalm 67:2-4), and the remaining 13 support “only-begotten one Son.”
edition of the Ethiopic text made in 1862 by Solomon Caesar Malan gave the
impression that the Ethiopic Version favors “the only Son” in John 1:18, with
“unto us” at the end of the verse. (Notice
that Cyril of Alexandria also supports a form of John 1:18 with “unto us” at
the end.)
More recently, it has been
ascertained (via carbon-dating) that the Ethiopic Garima Gospels were produced
in or about the 400s-500s, a date far earlier than any other Ethiopic Gospels-manuscript
has been ascertained to have. A
consultation with Michael Wechsler, who edited the Ethiopic text of John (Evangelium Iohannis Aethiopicum) as Volume
617/109 in the series Corpus Scriptorum
Christianorum Orientalium in 2005, revealed that the Garima Gospels
supports “the one [or, unique, wahed] God,”
which constitutes support for ὁ μονογενης θεος or μονογενης θεος.
evidence shows that a simple numerical count of medieval
manuscripts does not tell the whole story about this text-critical contest. At the same time, it also demonstrates that
both readings are very ancient, and that both were used by orthodox writers and by
Readers are invited to explore the embedded links to additional resources.
Excellent research James. Interesting that some textual witnesses that read God/Theos do not include the article. A lot to digest here, but none of the Greek forms appear to be out of character with the rest of the scriptures. Only some of the English translators are culpable.
Looks like those conjectural conflations may go way back too.
ReplyDeleteExcellent, thought provoking information Thank you for your efforts.
You mentioned that P66 supports the reading of monogenes theos. But that kinda does give a good amount of weight to monogenes theos being the original reading, in light of the fact that P66 is the 2nd earliest manuscript of John after P52. Wouldn't that better establish monogenes theos rather than some other reading?
ReplyDeleteDo you have any idea what the P52 Manuscript of John says?
DeleteIf you know it, please send a link. Thank you. :)
P66 is an early, though very aberrant, witness to the Alexandrian text. It testifies that the monogenes theos reading was present in the earliest recoverable stratum of that text--nothing more.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this information. I think it's possible the original was 'the only begotten' without either 'God' or 'Son'. This could explain why very early on scribes thought something was missing and added 'God' or 'Son' to 'clarify' leading to the variety of witnesses we have today.
ReplyDeleteJohn Wilderspin,
ReplyDelete<< Can someone please explain to me why the Codex Sinaiticus web site translation reads “only begotten Son” at this point & not “only begotten God.” >>
Yes. See my post about the inaccurate translation at the CodexSinaiticus website, at
and regarding John 1:18 specifically the four-part series of posts that begins at
James Snapp Jr.
Go to https://greekcntr.org/collation/index.htm and look up John 18:37ff. You will get the exact text.
ReplyDeleteThanks. Much appreciated.
ReplyDeleteHey James, thanks for the post, first of all! I do have something to add; Origen doesn't merely attest to the reading "only-begotten God", but also to "only-begotten son (of God)". See his Commentary on the Gospel of John, Book VI, Chapter 2: https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/101506.htm
ReplyDeleteThis is an extremely helpful list of Patristic quotations. There is also a quote by Ignatius that supports "Theos." "
ReplyDelete"If any one says there is one God, and also confesses Christ Jesus, but thinks the Lord to be a mere man, and not the only-begotten God, and Wisdom, and the Word of God, and deems Him to consist merely of a soul and body, such an one is a serpent, that preaches deceit and error for the destruction of men."
Ignatius of Antioch, “The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians,” in The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus, ed. Alexander Roberts, James Donaldson, and A. Cleveland Coxe, vol. 1, The Ante-Nicene Fathers (Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Company, 1885), 83.
I know that some of the old Patristics in Latin and Greek differ, and it is thought that some of the "Theos" references were scrubbed when updated to Latin. I know it's a theory and hard to substantiate. Anyway, I thought to add this one since it showed up in my search.
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ReplyDeleteI'm not too sure I agree with Snapp's comments on the Sahidic of Jn. 1:18.
ReplyDeleteAlin Suciu is cited, “No one has ever seen God. God, the only Son, the one who is in the bosom of his Father, that one is he about whom he spoke.”
By this, however, the OP has assumed that the Coptic scribes used an underlying apparatus that referred to the “Son.” What is potentially looked over, is that in Jn. 1:18, the Copts took μονογενὴς to function as a substantive (which they translate in Jn. 1:18 as, “the only Son”), just as they previously did in 1:14, a passage where the term υἱός (“Son”) is nowhere present, and where there is no possibility of textual variance, or even a conflated text.
As always, the problem with using Patristic sources in textual criticism is that, more than likely, they're quoting from memory and it may be more of a paraphrase than an exact quotation.